Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thanksgiving is over and I can barely move...

I. ate. so. much. Seriously, I'm starting this week with no cokes (including diet) and no sweets for a month. Who's with me?! Hang on, let me finish my Mint Oreo.... ok - now I'm ready.
We had a very relaxing and fun time in Lubbock over the Thanksgiving break. My brother and his wife were there too - so we had a house full! I bet my parents were ready to get their house back in order! We did lots of fun stuff: ran the 2 mile Turkey Trot, did some shopping, saw TWILIGHT!!!!!, ate, ate, ate, relaxed, had our annual bowling tournament, Cora got her first haircut, went on walks, took trips to the park, watched movies, got to talk to BRENNA on Skype!!!, enjoyed the cool weather, and ate some more! Here are some pics... I hope everyone had a fun holiday! Now it's time to unpack and get out all the Christmas stuff!
family pic...
crazy claire...
me and brenna (who is in Egypt) just hanging out...

kaitlyn and daddy breaking the wishbone. that girl always wins!!

turkey trot. it was freezing!!

neil and brittany... they finished MUCH faster than me and dad!

she was NOT too happy about this. but she looks so much better with out the mullet.

all ready for bed!
kaitlyn was so excited that she saw "The REAL SANTA" enjoying his lunch with Mrs. Clause at McAlisters.

kaitlyn's fancy photography at the bowling alley..

Happy December!!!

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